Friday, 23 May 2014

The Exam!!!!!!!!

Well folks it's here!

 This is the appliance inside out, as you can see I have trimmed it, I used nail scissors as they are smaller and better to control.

This is the skin safe adhesive, I prefer Aqua Fix solely because its a bit more gentle, it works the same way as pros-aide

Here I have put a line of Aquafix in a central area, I mirrored this in the appliance and waited 30 sec to a min and then placed it on, it is a contact adhesive, meaning it works kind of like Velcro.

 here I am placing the adhesive all around the edges and repeating the same process,  it is worth mentioning that it is better to work centrally out.
here you can see my work station, I always provide water for my models, its highly important.

I am airbrushing the finished piece .
 here I have mixed the acrylic paint and Aqua Fix, I will apply it with a cheap sponge.
you must do this as it creates a canvas, and stops the the paint soaking in. 

Here we have the application process, getting the appliance ready.

Argh!, this is the actual piece and design minus tentacles

this is mine and another students work together, its a good picture for not only a giggle but to see how different people work.

I made the whole costume, I ice dyed the fabric, then made the various bits of cloth and used an old wand for the spear/wand.
I bought a pony hair piece an back combed it, stuck shells to it using super glue.

this is the back of the costume, I also airbrushed the hands and feet and arms, to ensure that no skin was showing.

I love this picture, that's why you can see it!

 closer view

The Shoot

 The Removal

I used bond-off to take off the prosthetic, peeling slowly and rubbing, then repeating the process.

 Once off, I continued to cleanse my models face, its worth a mention that I have good skin care and the model was really grateful that I have this.
I want to mention that I learned something I didn't know during this process, that you cannot use sculpt gel with latex, ordinarily it doesn't set as the two don't work together, but I was lucky and mine set.
the last entry will be coming up soon, I am just awaiting the Professional Images.

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