Hello and Welcome back, today we are looking at the finished prosthetic piece, though now its just a practice piece that is beneath, this is a brief look without each stage, as when I have my final exam, I have all the images and will break down the whole process, I just wanted to wet your appetite!
My Practice Piece
here is my piece prior to being trimmed, my model was not available so I used my mother ( god bless her) her face is a different shape.
Here I have mixed aqua-fix by Mouldlife (or pros-aide whichever your prefer) with a white and red acrylic paint that is a standard paint from any craft shop, this prepares the foam latex to be painted on to, as the colour is so white n contrast to skin, I chose this shade as I was using really vibrant colours.
Now I have started to air brush and as you can see the purple makes the pink really pop
I am now shading all crevices to bring the piece to life.
I added some gold to make it iridescent and more 'shell like'
its worth saying that I have used Cabosil and a tongue depressor to blend edges this is mixed using Cabosil silicon and pros-aide I have attached a really useful You Tube clip, as it stresses the fact that you need to wear a breathing mask and work in a well ventilated area.
As you see here I have started blending in to the neck now.
Here is the Practice Piece finished, I added gold on the lip to give the shell look.
This is very rough with a wig that isnt properly finished nor attached
Now you can start to see where I am aiming and also it gives you a little taster of the finished final assessment piece.
While I was cooking the final piece, the positive( face) cracked and smashed, thankfully my piece was OK, but the face was destroyed this is because the mix of plaster and burlap were to weak, so after a couple of uses it was destroyed.
To be honest, I as a new starter to this medium, I simply followed instructions and had help as well from my tutor, so from this I know that I will always ensure that my mix is that but thicker and the burlap is double or tripled, I am also able to see that, perhaps it was over cooked or dry and this made it brittle.
I also originally made and sculpted tentacles, these failed as the mix for the latex was unstable, this is again an experience I have learned from, I decided to omit them from my design on a basis of it would take too much time to make them again and that I think you will see that the design it really effective without tentacles.
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